If the energy costs of your business are expensive, you might want to find investments that help reduce expenses. One of the options to consider to help with your energy costs is a solar system. Today, solar energy systems give you a lot of options to makeover your business with renewable energy. The following solar system design options are some of the solutions you may want to consider for the energy needs of your business.

Rooftop Solar Panels (or Collectors)

The benefit of adding solar systems to commercial rooftops is that there is usually plenty of space for equipment. This can give you more space to install panels or other energy features like solar thermal siphons (for hot water and thermal energy). You have the choice of conventional monocrystalline or polycrystalline panels, as well as thin-film panels that can be installed with a roof membrane.

Commercial Energy Storage

One of the biggest challenges with commercial solar systems is energy storage. The battery bank of your solar energy system is going to need to be larger to handle the electricity needs of your business. If you want to have a system with more capacity, you may want to consider using lithium-ion batteries for the needs of your business. These batteries can even be modular and installed in racks like server equipment. In addition to the batteries, these systems also need to have charge controllers installed to protect them from being damaged due to overcharging.

Switches for Grid-Tied Systems

There are options for having off-grid solutions installed for your business, but a complete solar system is going to need to be grid-tied. These systems need to have the right switches installed with the panels. Your switches can also include meters that allow you to monitor the energy consumption that comes from the solar panels. There are also options to sell the energy your business's solar panels produce if you have a system that provides more electricity than what is needed.

Solar System Monitoring Equipment

If you have invested in an energy system for your business, you want to keep track of your investment. Therefore, you may want to add monitoring equipment to your solar energy system. There are several options for monitoring equipment that can be added to commercial systems. These monitoring systems can be integrated into energy storage and solar panels. Monitoring equipment will give you options like remote access to monitor the system and extract data for reports on the performance of your solar system.

Solar energy systems can be a great solution to help makeover your business. Contact a solar system installer to discuss these options for your business's new energy systems.
