Solar panels are a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and get a virtually unlimited supply of free power for your home or business. The only problem is that for a long time there was no way to keep this energy stored. If you didn't use the power generated by your solar panels, then it would go back into the system to be used by other households. While you would often be compensated for this withdrawal of your power, it is generally less than how much the power actually is worth. That is why it is a good idea to consider energy storage solutions for your solar panels.

Energy Storage Is The Future

It may seem surprising because batteries are so commonplace on a small scale, but larger versions of batteries that can store hours upon hours of electricity were simply impossible to make even a couple of decades ago. Trying to store created electricity has been the next billion-dollar question that many companies are trying to figure out, and luckily some have made great progress. A solar battery backup is now quite easily available for your home, and it pays to think about it before you actually get your solar panels installed, if possible.

Why Should I Plan For A Solar Battery Backup Before My Panels Are Installed?

Depending on how big a battery you get, these energy storage solutions can be quite large. They also need to be very securely fastened and have easy access to your power grid. That means that you need to plan the rest of your solar panels around the battery, not the other way around. Giving the battery prime access to the available space is the best way to get an efficient layout for your solar power solution. That does not mean you cannot create a good system after your solar panels are already installed, just that it is better to plan ahead if possible.

Further Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

Energy storage is the only true way to reduce your carbon footprint to almost zero when it comes to electricity usage. While solar panels reduce your need for power during the daytime, they are not efficient at night and that is when people often draw the most power from the electricity grid. Energy storage ensures that you keep a healthy supply of power saved up during the brightest hours of the day and ready for any nighttime activities you might have planned.
